We also offer a phenomenal Build Your Brilliant Business online training

Now, more than ever, people need the gifts you have to offer.
And since so many of us are spending lots of time at home, you'll be able to do lots of coaching ONLINE.
If you want to build your confidence, you can practice and hone SPECIFIC coaching skills with other coaches through role-playing in a safe, easy-going environment.
A wonderful plus: You'll get to know other coaches at a deeper level so you can support each other AND refer clients to one another!
See which of these two lab opportunities feels right to you:
Coaching Lab l
"Building Confidence"
If you're relatively new to coaching (or even if you want to fine-tune your skills) you're going to LOVE this experience! ​
It's a wonderful opportunity to practice what you've learned and receive coaching from us to help you grow and improve your skills.
When appropriate, we may model a particular scenario with a volunteer for the whole group and then you'll pair up in breakout rooms to practice with one another through role-playing. (You may receive an outline or script of what to cover in that session.)
You'll receive coaching from us directly as we visit each room and offer you pointers and suggestions, if needed.
We may cover the following:
deliver an effective Discovery Call​ (focused on serving AND enrolling a new client)
how to handle objections to "I can't afford it" to support your client's ultimate goal.
practice your initial intake session
practice a regular coaching session (providing specific action steps)
offer your additional programs (how can you support your client further?)
This is a HUGE confidence booster!
Each session is 75-90 minutes with Q & A in the end (our favorite time!)
Where, when and how much?
This 5-week LIVE online Coaching LAB happens on ZOOM.
Session just ended.
Get on the WAIT LIST and we'll keep you posted.
This 5-session LAB is a super value at only
$197 USD!
($40 per session)
We want to help you succeed. This super affordable Coaching Lab will help you to commit to your process and gain confidence in your abilities as a coach!
And that means... creating a successful business you'll love, making a great living, while helping others heal their lives.

"Building Confidence"
(If you need financial assistance let us know. We'll do what we can.)

We reserve the right to reschedule or cancel program if a minimum of 8 participants isn't met.
KIND WORDS - about Coaching Lab I
"I learned in weeks what it would've taken me a year to figure out."
"It's a real lab. We're not just listening, we're doing the work!"
"Helped me remember what it's like to be in the client's shoes."
"Really appreciated the experiential aspect of the lab."
"A completely different experience. I feel much more confident."

Coaching Lab ll
"Going Deeper"
As you know, cancer coaching is a highly specialized field. There are conversations that can take place with our clients that wouldn't happen in other coaching scenarios.
And not only can they happen, sometimes they really must, in order to create important breakthroughs.
"GOING DEEPER" lab is a very special and moving experience where you'll be encouraged and supported to have those challenging conversations, through role-playing with other coaches, so that you can be prepared and not feel broadsided when they come up.
This live coaching series builds on the Coaching Lab l skills (you don't need to have taken it, you do need to have some coaching experience under you) and will help you feel more confident to effectively coach your clients through the more difficult or emotionally charged areas of concern.
Examples of these areas —
Your client is very resistant to making changes in their lifestyle, their diet or other suggestions. What's the best approach? What if your clients aren't fully committed to improving their health? How can you motivate them to become more proactive in their healing process?
A client's mindset is negative or toxic. How can you support them to address their thinking process to become more congruent with their goals? How might their thinking be contributing to their diagnosis? How can you help them develop a more positive mindset?
There's conflict between the client and their primary caregiver around their individual beliefs about traditional vs. complementary or alternative treatments. How do you get them both on the same page to benefit your client's outcome?
Your client has done everything possible, and yet they're now facing "end of life" scenarios. How can you help them heal this last stage of their life so they can feel complete? Are there regrets, or perhaps resentments and unforgiveness that need to be addressed to create closure? What needs to be taken care of, perhaps legally, sooner than later?
In the last session YOU will choose the area in which you want to practice having a challenging conversation.
These are difficult, and very real topics that WILL show up in your sessions. And we'd love to help you address them in a practice session now, through some modeling and coaching from us, so you're as prepared as possible for when they do.
This very special training can support your coaching practice and help you develop skills that you're going to need in the future. Please sign up. We'd love to have you!
Each session is 75-90 minutes with Q & A in the end (our favorite time!)
Where, when and how much?
This 5-week LIVE online Coaching LAB happens on ZOOM.
May 12 - June 9
TUESDAYS at 1 PM central
(11 am Pacific - 2 pm Eastern)
This unique and special 5-session LAB is only
$249 USD!
($50 per session)
Our style of coaching you for this LAB will be much more hands-on than in Coaching Lab I, asking you to pause periodically and perhaps redirecting the conversation.
The group will also be smaller to create a more intimate experience.
This will make a HUGE POSITIVE DIFFERENCE in your coaching and help you build more confidence in your skill.
"Going Deeper"

If you need financial assistance let us know. We'll do what we can.

We reserve the right to reschedule or cancel program if a minimum of 4 participants isn't met.
If you can't join us after registering, for any reason, you'll receive a FULL REFUND when you let us know up to 72 hours BEFORE the start of the training.
If you need to cancel after that, no refund will be given. However, you can apply your tuition towards our one-on-one sessions or group coaching programs within 90 days.
If our minimum attendance isn't met, we reserve the right to postpone or cancel the training. In that case you can choose to apply tuition as above, OR receive a full refund.
You have absolutely nothing to lose. And everything to gain!
We also offer a Build Your Brilliant Business online training
We'll meet online through an app called ZOOM. We’ll email you a link each week to join the meeting. It's very simple and surprisingly intimate.
Obviously, you’ll get the most of your program by attending all your sessions. Your participation is vital and will help others grow from your contributions and experience. However, we know that sometimes things come up.
Because of privacy concerns, and to give everyone freedom to express concerns and personal issues, the sessions will not be recorded. However, you'll have an accountability partner that can take notes for you and share whatever you may have missed.
COACHING LAB: During our 75-90 minute sessions we'll offer the topic for the session and, if appropriate, model some of the practice session for you with a volunteer.
We'll also offer you either an outline or a script for your practice session!
Then, you'll have time to practice that skill in a private breakout room with a partner for 20-30 minutes each. We'll pop into the room and offer coaching if needed. Then we'll all return to the room to offer insights and takeaways and ask questions.
Any other Questions for us? Contact us HERE.