HYPNOTHERAPY Session with Joseph
Service Description
Hypnotherapy is a relaxing process, very similar to a guided meditation. We'll chat about the positive change or pattern you'd like to create, you'll give me all the details of your vision, and then I'll help you relax and re-seed your subconscious mind with what you just told me you'd like to create. I've helped clients create amazing changes in their lives: Quit smoking, lose weight, stop chewing their nails, let go of pain medications, release addictions, let go of intense pain, improve their gold or tennis game, learn Spanish more easily, etc. I look forwrad to helping you create lasting changes ti improve the quality of your life. Please go ahead and BOOK a Life-Changing Session! Thank you!

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact me with at least 24 hours notice, otherwise the session will be charged. For FREE sessions, please let me know if there's a change ASAP in order to give others the chance to take advantage of the complimentary session. If you cancel or don't show for a FREE session, you'll lose the opportunity. You can reschedule a paid session if you choose. Thanks for understanding.
Contact Details
(619) 574-0196