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THE "M" WORD:  The ART of Marketing


and learn to LOVE it to boost your business and income!


Many business professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs are often mystified by the "M" word. Until Now.


In this popular treasure of practical and applicable info, you'll discover effective and successful strategies to share your message, product and genius with the world!

Best of all, many of them are free, or almost-free!


In this signature workshop (our favorite!) you'll learn how to share your work, your product or service with passion and enthusiasm, as well as refocus your business practices so that everything becomes aligned with your brand and grows organically.


If you've been spending time and money promoting your business and NOT getting the results you want, this is for you!

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In this powerful 5-hour course, we will:


  • Explore what this powerful 17 letter acronym 'THE ART OF MARKETING'' stands for, and how it can be a game-changer in growing your business — not only now, but in the future.

  • Get crystal CLEAR about WHO you're serving. Do you know who your IDEAL customer is?

  • Discover best practices for growing your business — the hows, whens and whys.

  • Explore ways to be authentic in your marketing so clients love and TRUST you (which is why they want to do business with you!)

  • Learn the biggest BLOCK to being successful, and what to do about it.

  • Discover the single MOST IMPORTANT STEP in growing your business.

  • Explore the art of writing 'copy' in today's environment, to create great content and share about your business with ideal and former clients.

  • Design and practice your 30-second commercial (the answer to the dreaded: "What do you do?) that really HOOKS the listener into wanting to know MORE about your business.

  • And so much more! 


You will come away feeling motivated and ready to take powerful ACTION to get the ball rolling right away!


This business-enhancing workshop is only $69 USD ($1250 pesos)

 To be on the ONLINE wait list, please send us an email.


"Eli & Joseph are masterful facilitators of group process. With a light touch and great wisdom, they bring out the best in people." 


Mitch Ditkoff - President Idea Champions

When, Where? 

The 5-hour Signature Workshop workshop takes place on



10 am - 3 pm (bring an easy lunch or snack)

Subida al Caracol #11

(above intersection of Prolongación Aldama and Cinco de Mayo)



(details will be sent to you via email)


Please read our Cancellation Policy.

P.S: If you're interested in gifting all or part of this workshop to a friend or colleague, please visit our GIFT CERTIFICATE page and GIVE THE GIFT OF TRANSFORMATION!


They'll thank you for it! 




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